ABC/ESPN to sponsor NAHJ 40th anniversary, NBCUniversal to sponsor 2024 annual conference

ABC/ESPN to sponsor NAHJ 40th anniversary, NBCUniversal to sponsor 2024 annual conference

The National Association of Hispanic Journalists is delighted to announce that ABC News/ESPN will be the lead sponsor of our year-long 40th Anniversary Celebration, while NBCUniversal will return as the presenting sponsor of our Annual Conference and Expo July 9-13 in Hollywood, Calif. 

The twin sponsorships will allow NAHJ to tell the story of its impact over four decades of working for #MoreLatinosInNews, and to put on an unforgettable conference for members, including dozens of training sessions, networking events, and other career-building opportunities. 

The ABC News/ESPN sponsorship also boosts our 40th Anniversary fundraising campaign, Advancing Our Mission, Securing Our Future, which will help fund NAHJ’s scholarships, career development programs, and more, as well as enabling NAHJ to waive membership and possibly conference registration for laid-off journalists in transition. 

As part of our 40th Anniversary, NAHJ is digitizing archives, producing a documentary, and creating a commemorative publication to capture and amplify the fight for equality, opportunity and change led by NAHJ since members of the California Chicano Media Association gathered in San Diego to create the national association in 1984.

“We’re honored to sponsor the 40th anniversary of this storied organization,” said Derek Medina, Executive Vice President, ABC News. “Now more than ever, it is crucial to champion journalists of diverse backgrounds to tell the stories and amplify the voices of audiences we serve. Congratulations to NAHJ on 40 years of steadfast commitment to educate and elevate bold, straightforward journalists.” 

The high point of the year will be the NAHJ 40th Anniversary Conference and Expo, where NBCUniversal is presenting sponsor. It will feature the Ñ Awards for journalism excellence, returning to the convention for the first time since 2019. There will be multiple hands-on training sessions, opportunities for members to meet recruiters, special events and plenaries, and a Town Hall meeting, which will open to the public. The conference will also serve as the culminating point for the first cohort of the Adelante Academy’s Latina Leadership Program.

“Congratulations to NAHJ on the organization’s 40th anniversary, and to their ongoing mission to increase Latino representation in newsrooms and in news media.” said Craig Robinson, Executive Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer at NBCUniversal. “We’re proud to work with NAHJ on many of our own programs, including our NBCU Academy Student Summits. As the home of broadcast and cable networks, as well as 43 English and Spanish language local stations, we are particularly appreciative of their partnership.” 

The iconic Loews Hollywood Hotel will host the convention. Early-bird registration runs through March 15, but make your booking now – our room block is already 60% sold out. 

The conference will also feature NAHJ’s signature Hall of Fame Gala, a red carpet event that will bring together 500 Hispanic journalists from across the country to celebrate our achievements and toast the new Hall of Fame inductees. There will also be a Silent Auction to support the Ruben Salazar Scholarship Fund. 

One of our premiere programs is the NAHJ Student Project, where college students from across the country work on improving their skills in a newsroom setting during the national conference. Under the guidance of professional mentors, students will write, report, shoot and edit video, shoot photos and cover events on social media to help prepare them to compete in a challenging media market. NAHJ students will produce stories for the Latino Reporter Digital, the website dedicated to the Student Project.

Other sponsorship opportunities remain; please contact Holly Rose, NAHJ Director of Industry Relations,, (973) 670-7977.

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