NAHJ 2022 Ñ Awards FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Those submitting an entry must be a member of NAHJ. Register or login here.
  • Students may enter student work in the student categories only.
  • Students may not submit student work in other categories.
  • Yes, the fee is $50 per entry.
  • The fee is $25 for student entries.
  • Entries will be accepted in English and Spanish.
  • Entries must be published by a media organization in a print, online or broadcast
    outlet between January 31, 2021 and January 31, 2022.
  • Subject matter is limited to Hispanic-related issues. 
  • Yes, you may submit multiple entries, but each entry must be accompanied by its own entry form and fees.
  • The deadline is 11:59 pm EDT, Friday, September 16, 2022.
  • Print entries must be no longer than three parts, including sidebars. The byline, date, name of the publication and page number must be on the article.
  • Radio and TV entries may be a story or series. Entries should have no more than five parts, with a total length not to exceed 10 minutes. Longer stories must be edited to less than ten minutes before submission.
  • Broadcast and online work must be submitted as a link to a live, public site. An entry may consist of one to three related URL’s, but all must be related to the same entry. All winning entries must remain live and viewable for a period of one year from the date of the announcement of the winner. Entrants are encouraged to upload their media via YouTube, Vimeo or to their station’s website and provide the necessary link on the online application form.
  • All judges are journalism professionals in the medium being judged. 
  • Entries are judged based on the quality of work submitted.
  • Judges are professional journalists and change annually. 
  • Winners are individuals, not news organizations or teams (additional awards can be purchased)
  • Yes, everyone who submits an entry will be notified.
  • Finalists will be notified in advance of the awards ceremony.
  • Winners will be announced during the National Ñ Awards Brunch on Sunday, October 30, 2022.
  • Entrant need not be present to win. 

* Details will be forthcoming on a location for the awards ceremony.

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