The NAHJ Business Task Force is dedicated to supporting, inspiring, and educating Latino journalists about the power and breadth of business journalism.

Business Task Force Members

Joel Marino Circle

Joel Marino


Jeff Kauflin Circle

Jeff Kauflin


Adrian D. Garcia Circle

Adrian D. Garcia

Communications Chair

Maria Gracia Santillana Circle

Maria Gracia Santillana

Training Chair

Daisy Palacios Circle

Daisy Palacios

Working Member


Want to get involved and engage with journalists that share your similar interest? Here’s how to get started:

Log into the NAHJ member portal. Not a member? Join/Renew today.
Under member home, click on my profile.
Select the edit profile button and choose from the following options:

  • Afro-Latino Task Force
  • Business Task Force
  • Investigative & Data Task Force
  • LGBTQIA+ Task Force
  • Meteorology & Climate Task Force
  • Sports Task Force
  • Visual Task Force
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