NAHJ Investigative & Data Journalism Task Force purpose is a driving force dedicated to educate and support Latino journalists. We are focused on promoting investigative teams, and increase the presence of Latinos in newsrooms. We are a group of professional journalists facilitating discussions, sessions and training to improve members skills and pave a path for the next gen of Latinos in journalism.

Investigative & Data Journalism Task Members

Marina Villeneuve Circle

Marina Villeneuve


Perla Trevizo Circle

Perla Trevizo


Morelys Urbano Circle

Morelys Urbano

Working Member

Clavel Rangel Circle

Clavel Rangel

Working Member


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Under member home, click on my profile.
Select the edit profile button and choose from the following options:

  • Afro-Latino Task Force
  • Business Task Force
  • Investigative & Data Task Force
  • LGBTQIA+ Task Force
  • Meteorology & Climate Task Force
  • Sports Task Force
  • Visual Task Force
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