The NAHJ LGBTQIA+ Task Force is dedicated to finding innovative ways to highlight and embrace our LGBTQIA and Latinx members at the NAHJ Annual Conference and throughout the year through impact initiatives for the benefit of our communities.


  • Organized several LGBTQIA-related panels for NAHJ´s annual conference.
  • Gathered sneakers and purses during our annual conference and gave them out to people in need in the LBGTQIA+ community in partnership with the non-profit Out My Closet.
  • Hosted a meet-and-greet in collaboration with the non-profit Unity Coalition for members of the LGBTQIA+ community at our annual conference.
  • Updated our LGBTQIA+ Style Guide, which is available in digital format and was also distributed in print.

LBGTQIA+ Task Force Members

David Cordero Circle

David Cordero Mercado


Pedro Cabrera Circle

Pedro Cabrera

Working Member

Wesley Vidal Circle

Wesley J. Pérez Vidal

Working Member

Tat Bellamy-Walker Circle

Tat Bellamy-Walker

Working Member

David Cordero Mercado

Luis Joel Méndez González

Adam Rhodes

Tat Bellamy-Walker

Wesley J. Pérez Vidal

Members: Juan Pablo López, Cristela Guerra, David Cordero Mercado, Luis Joel Méndez González, Adam Rhodes, Alander Rocha, Lygia Navarro, Andrés Martínez, Belen Dumont, Tat-Bellamy Walker, Wesley J. Pérez Vidal


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  • LGBTQIA+ Task Force
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