NAHJ 40th Anniversary: Hall of Fame


For 40 years, NAHJ has provided a national voice and unified vision for all Hispanic journalists.

As we celebrate our 40th anniversary at a critical moment in U.S. history, NAHJ is proud to recognize the individuals who have courageously upheld our mission.

Their dedication to increasing Latino representation in newsrooms and enhancing coverage of Latino communities is commendable.

We celebrate those who demonstrated a commitment to our profession, paving the way for other Latino journalists, and honor our trailblazers while looking forward to the next generation of Latino journalists.

2023 HONOrees

Alfredo Corchada

Mexico Bureau Chief, Dallas Morning News

Angela Korchega

news director, KTEP and Borderzine; multimedia editor,

Lori Montenegro

Washington, D.C. Bureau Chief, Noticias Telemundo

Enrique Flor

Journalist, el Nuevo Herald

2022 Honorees

Rebecca Aguilar

Freelance reporter, first Latina national president of Society of Professional Journalists

Diana R. Fuentes

Executive Director, IRE (Investigative Reporters & Editors) first person of color in that position

Robert Hernandez

Professor of Professional Practice, USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism

Steve Gonzales

(posthumous), photojournalist, Houston Chronicle

2021 Honorees*

Jesús Colon

(posthumous) journalist, Columnist, Daily Worker, poet, father of the Nuyorican Movement

Jovita Idár

(posthumous) activist, journalist, La Crónica

*Hall of Fame Awards were not given in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic

2019 Honorees

Jim Avila

Journalist, former White House Correspondent, ABC News

Elaine Ayala

Columnist, San Antonio-Express News

Ana Real

(Posthumous) Foreign News Editor, CBS News

2018 Honorees

Rosental Alves

Professor, and Knight Chair in Journalism and UNESCO Chair in Communication, University of Texas, Austin; Director, Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas

Alberto Ibargüen

President & CEO, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

Aminda Marqués Gonzalez

Executive Editor and Senior Vice President, Miami Herald and el Nuevo Herald

Mc Nelly Torres

Independent Investigative Journalist

2017 Honorees

Eraldo “Dino” Chiecchi

Associate Professor, University of Texas at El Paso

Federico Subervi

Professor, Kent State University School of Journalism & Mass Communication (retired)

Andrés Cediel

Lecturer, UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism

Jodi Hernandez

Reporter, NBC Bay Area News

Nancy Rivera Brooks

Assistant Business Editor, Los Angeles Times

2016 Honorees

Zita Arocha

Associate Professor, University of Texas at El Paso and Director,

Hugo Balta

Senior Director, Multi-Cultural Content, ESPN

(Posthumous) Robert Montemayor

Director, Rutgers University Latino Information Network

Veronica Villafañe

Editor and Publisher,

2015 Honorees

Maria Martin

Director, GraciasVida Center for Media

Miguel Pérez

Professor, Journalism, Lehman College, CUNY, Columnist, Creator’s Syndicate

Frances Robles

Correspondent, New York Times

2014 Honorees

NAHJ Founding Members

Robert Alaníz

Manager, Community Affairs, KCBS-TV, and President, California Association for Latinos in Broadcasting

Charlie Ericksen

Co-founder, Hispanic Link News Service

Jesus Dávila

Reporter, El Diario/La Prensa

Juan Manuel García Passalaqua

Attorney, educational foundation, Puerto Rico

Gustavo Godoy

Vice President/News Director, Spanish International Network, (later became Univisión)

Frank Gómez

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, U.S. Dept. of State

Juan González

Reporter, Philadelphia Daily News

Paula Maes

Public Affairs Director, KOB-TV, Albuquerque, NM

Guillermo Martínez

Columnist, Editorial Board Member, The Miami Herald

Henry Mendoza

News Director, KBAK-TV, Bakersfield, CA

Maggie Rivas Rodríguez

Reporter, The Boston Globe

Jay Rodríguez

Vice President, Corporate Communications, NBC

María Elena Salinas

Reporter, Anchor and Public Affairs Host, KMEX-TV

Edith Sayre Auslander

Assistant Professor, Journalism, University of Arizona

Norma Sosa

Reporter/Editor, Chicago Sun-Times

2013 Honorees

Gilbert Bailon

Editor, St. Louis Post-Dispatch

David Gonzalez

Columnist, Side Street Blog; Co-editor, Lens Blog, New York Times

2012 Honoree

CCNMA: Latino Journalists of California

an organization dedicated to promoting diversity in the news media in California

2011 Honoree

Ernest Sotomayor

Assistant Dean, Career Services, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism

2010 Honorees

Ray Suarez

Senior Correspondent, “The NewsHour,” PBS

Gloria Campos

Anchor, WFAA-TV, Dallas

2009 Honorees

Geraldo Rivera

Host, “Geraldo-at-Large,” Fox-TV

Ysabel Durón

Anchor, Weekend Morning News, KRON-TV

Juan Gonzalez

Founder/Editor, El Tecolote, Professor, Journalism, City College of San Francisco

2008 Honorees

Juan Gonzalez

Columnist, New York Daily News, former president, NAHJ

Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez

Professor, University of Texas at Austin, Media Activist

Francisco P. Ramirez

Founder, El Clamor Publico (Los Angeles)

2007 Honorees

Cecilia Alvear

Producer, NBC, former president, NAHJ

Rigo Chacón

President, Rigo Chacón and Associates (RCA)

George Ramos

Three-time Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, Los Angeles Times, former chair, Journalism Department, California Polytechnic University

2006 Honorees

María Elena Salinas

Anchor, Noticiero Univisión, Univisión, founding member, NAHJ

Henry Alfaro

Reporter, ABC7

2005 Honoree

Gerald Garcia, Jr.

Founding member and first president, NAHJ

2004 Honoree

Ignacio E. Lozano, Sr.

Founder, La Opinión, (the nation's oldest Mexican American daily newspaper)

2003 Honorees

Dr. Mary Adelaide Gardner

Professor, Journalism, Michigan State University

Albor Ruiz

Columnist, New York Daily News

2002 Honorees

Paul Espinosa

Independent Producer, Writer and Director

Félix Gutiérrez

Author, Educator and Activist

Frank del Olmo

Associate Editor, Los Angeles Times

Frank O. Sotomayor

Assistant METPRO Director, Hiring Editor, Los Angeles Times

2001 Honorees

Charlie Ericksen

Founder, Hispanic Link News Service

Edith Sayre Auslander

Reporter, Editor, Arizona Daily Star, Professor, University of Arizona

Peter Moraga

Pioneer in radio journalism

2000 Honorees

Rubén Salazar

Columnist, Los Angeles Times, News Director, KMEX

Elma Barrera

Reporter, ABC 13, (the first Hispanic female reporter in the Houston market)

Sylvan Rodríguez

Anchor, KHOU-TV 11, Houston

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