National Board Meeting Agenda 10/16/21

National Board Meeting Agenda 10/16/21

NAHJ National Board Meeting Agenda:

Saturday, October 16, 2021 – Noon ET


Register here:

    1. Call to Order – President LĂłpez 
    2. Roll Call – Blanca Rios
    3. Minutes Approval – President LĂłpez 
    4. President’s Report – President LĂłpez  
      1. Board overview 
      2. Advocacy 
      3. Strategic Planning 
    5. Executive Director Report –  Zita Arocha
      1. 2020 audit
      2. Membership
      3. Scholarships 
      4. Training & Programming 
      5. Visibility
      6. Ă‘ Awards 
      7. palabra.  
    6. Regional Director Reports
      1. Region 1; Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Virgin Islands – David Cordero Mercado 
      2. Region 2; Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, & Vermont – Jamie Stockwell 
      3. Region 3; Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington D.C., and West Virginia – Melissa Macaya 
      4. Region 4; Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee – Elwyn Lopez 
      5. Region 5; Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana – Ninette Sosa
      6. Region 6; Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin – Valerie Mia Juarez
      7. Region 7; Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah – Johnny Cordoba 
      8. Region 8; Alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington – Cristy Fajardo 
    7. Old Business – President LĂłpez
      1. Committees 
      2. Mc Nelly Torres, General At-Large Officer
      3. Jessica Retis, Academic Officer
      4. Jorge Flores, Student Rep 
    8. New Business – Open
      1. Opportunity for NAHJ members to introduce themselves, ideas, ask questions, provide feedback (time limits are at the board’s discretion) 
    9.  Adjourn – President LĂłpez

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