National Association of Hispanic Journalists
Board of Directors Special Meeting
Saturday, July 16, 2023
9:00 a.m. EST
I. Call to Order
President Yvette Cabrera
II. Roll Call
Secretary Blanca Rios
III. Approval of Minutes
Approval of the minutes for July 12, 2023 quarterly meeting
IV. Welcome
Yvette Cabrera
V. 40th Anniversary Advisory Group
Yvette Cabrera
VI. Committees
Committee review and update for September
Yvette Cabrera
VII. Latina Leadership Academy Update
Blanca Rios
VIII. Bylaws Task Force update
Vice President/print Arelis Hernandez and Vice President/broadcast Julio-Cesar Chavez
IX. Executive Session
Personnel matters
X. Public Question & Comments
XI. New business
Board schedule for 2023-2024
Next regular board meeting date: August 5, 2023 9 a.m. EST
XII. Adjournment
If you are not attending the NAHJ 2023 Convention in Miami and would like to leave a message for the Board of Directors, please download the convention guide on the Guidebook app and head to the discussion tab.