NAHJ Grants

Grant usage
Professional journalism development
Community-based journalism partnerships
Chapter start-up funds
Eligibility & Application Process
All NAHJ student chapters are eligible and are encouraged to apply. The selection committee will review applications based on a variety of criteria, including the clarity of the proposal and alignment with the National organization’s objectives. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Grant decisions will be final, and awards may vary in number each year. The 2025 spring deadline is March 21, and the fall deadline is September 15. Winners will be announced within 30 days of each deadline.
Required Application Information
The NAHJ Chapter Grant Application below must include the following:
- Grant application cover sheet.
- A letter from the student chapter president.
- Grant amount requested, up to $500.
- Proposal consisting of up to 500 words that describes how the funds will be used, and how the proposal will impact the chapter’s membership or the chapter’s community.
- Projected event budget (include, if applicable, projected event costs and other revenue).
- Other supporting materials or letters that may benefit the application are optional.
Chapter Responsibility
- By submitting an application, chapters agree to use the funds for the proposed event within three months of the grant disbursement.
- Chapters must write an event summary and submit supporting materials (program, pictures, etc.) to the national office within 30 days of the event.
- Chapters should recognize the National Association of Hispanic Journalists as an event sponsor.
We encourage all eligible student chapters to apply and take advantage of this valuable opportunity to support their programming. Should you have any questions or require further details, please feel free to reach out.
For more information, contact us.