June 25, 2019
WARNING: The link below contains graphic imageryÂ
The National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) joins others who are disturbed and concerned over a tweet by the Associated Press which includes an exploitative and dehumanizing photograph of a father and child, drowned in the Rio Grande.
The people following the Associated Press’s Twitter page did not have a choice on whether or not they wanted to view the graphic photograph of a man who apparently wanted a better life for he and his family. This potentially triggering image, was thrust into news feeds without discretion for the viewers or the immigrant family the Associated Press exploited.
Men, women, and children cross the border daily often escaping terror with hopes of a better life, knowing the peril that awaits them as they attempt to make the long journey to America. The thoughtless use of this picture only seeks to take advantage of a sensational situation.
Ultimately, the NAHJ’s objection is not about the photograph. Instead, our protest encompasses a bigger picture about the way visual journalism is utilized.
While pertinent to the struggles of immigrant families crossing the border, the picture, as the “website card” is both insensitive and disrespectful. It dehumanizes the plight of a community that are risking their lives, and the lives of their families, out of desperation. Pushing people to look at a shocking image that isn’t in context, is not beneficial for the viewers, it is not beneficial for journalists, and it is absolutely detrimental to the immigrant community.
NAHJ is disturbed and concerned that journalists at the Associated Press did not treat their subjects with respect or integrity. As journalists, we have a duty to stand up for those that do not have a voice and to value human lives. Â
This lack of sense and sensibility is not indicative of the best standards and practices of journalism and will not be tolerated.
Media Contact:
BA Snyder
Veritas Group for NAHJ